News article

Where are the Biggest Trees in Otatara?

We are running a competition to find the biggest native trees in Otatara. The correct way to measure trees is around their trunk at a height of 1.4 metres (for consistency).

To start the ball rolling I have just been to measure 2 trees in our bush and a kahikatea measures 2.8 metre circumference and a rimu measures 2 metre circumference. Can you beat them? and do you have a big totara, matai, miro or rata on your property? We also had a look in the Oreti Totara Dune forest and got some large matai and totara trees.

Email with a photo of you or a member of your family and the tree trunk and we will see at next Otatara Pigeon Post who are the winners. The prizes for the biggest rimu, totara, miro, matai, kahikatea and rata will be 5 native plants each from the Community Nursery.