News article

Starting 2022

Over the holidays its been a case of watering, watering and more watering! Then weeding, weeding and more weeding! We have also taken the opportunity to plant out at our place – one of the advantages of living on a wetland in a dry summer! The warm dry spell looks set to continue. Because of the hot summer weather seed collecting has already begun – the fluffy seed of native Clematis has been collected, and the first tussock and toetoe has been collected after Chris observed waxeyes eating the toetoe seed (always a sign!!). Also collected salt-marsh ribbonwood seeds much earlier than usual – so keep a lookout for seed as the seed collecting season swings into action – its going to be a bumper one! We have also had a prolific veggie garden and I couldn’t resist a photo of two of my successes – the climbing zucchini (Z. ramplicant) and broccoli (normally a failure for us!).

I know you are all champing at the bit, but the Nursery will officially re-open on Friday 21 January 2022. If you are new to the Nursery, don’t forget to bring your Covid passport.

If anyone can help with watering in January please let me know as we have a few trips planned in the near future.
