Rocky Shore Learning with Ruru - 17 March 2021
Learning about the rich biodiversity of life on a rocky shore and how to preserve these environments was the focus of an outreach visit to Ruru School, adding to observations and what already learnt on the fieldtrips that Ruru have done to this amazing environment type. Using photos, a few samples collected by Ruru, the artwork of the Southland Community Nursery and the Southern NZ Rocky Shore Guide we identified and talked about the characteristics that some of the common animals and plants living on the rocky shoreline have that allow them to survive in this constantly changing habitat. We learnt that sea tulips (a sea squirt) are an animal, not a plant and learnt how they feed while not being able to move like most other animals. Chitons with their eight shell plates, along with limpets, barnacles, anemones, rock pool fish and gulls were all creatures that the class discovered and their mission is to observe these on their next rocky shore exploration. Food webs, the tidal zones, the importance of rocky shores and how to protect and preserve them, and the connection between land and the coast rounded off our classroom discussion.
Posted: 18 March 2021