News article

Our Matariki – 18 June 2016

It started on the Friday at the Nursery with preparations – hollowing out swedes, track tidying and star preparation!

Saturday dawned with a beautiful sunrise and I captured the first light hitting the bush - “our place”. Then it seemed to be a day of food preparation ready for the children’s KCC event at 5pm, organised by Bronwyn. Art, stories, quiet time, star gazing, toasting marshmallows and sparklers were some of the fun activities. The rain and the fact that we couldn’t see an actual star didn’t dampen the enthusiasm one bit – and proved the worth of the Education Centre again.

Later, friends came for our traditional swede carving for lanterns (thanks Beatty!), good food to share – from home-made mulled wine and cider (from our own apples), foraged fritters, scones and cakes.  It is a time for reflection – remembering the good times of the year departed, and the not so good, the people who came and left during the year, rejoicing in last year’s harvest and looking forward to the new season, and sharing it all with friends and family. Chris