News article

KCC Event – Birds – 19 August 2017

What a great time we had at the Southland Community Nursery learning about and being NZ native birds! We checked out the pond, spotting a white faced heron flying overhead while we were there.  Then we transformed into birds with the awesome Landcare Research bird masks which we coloured in, learning about these species and spotting pictures of them around the Southland Community Nursery Education centre building.  We played “Poo Power” seeing whether the kereru or the possum won!  We went on a treasure hunt around the education centre using laminated picture cards to find the birds and finding out where birds live and made some crazy creatures from the tops and tails book. We attempted to put on a play about native birds, but more fun was had just pretending to be birds!!!  We also got to view the amazing entries in our Bird Art Competition and present prizes to those there. Bronwyn