News article

Bug Hunting in the Sun - 11 November 2021

Beautiful sunshine, enthusiastic bug explorers and lots of bugs to find made for a great visit to the Southland Community Nursery by the Makarewa Playcentre. We looked under logs and carpet, in leaves and trees and around the pond. We found slaters, nursery web spiders, damselfly, the worms in the worm farm, weta, a bumblebee buzzing around collecting pollen, a huge beetle (and some smaller ones), moths, lots of flying insects, and a flatworm. We also saw evidnece of bugs including a case moth case, spider webs and the notches and loops on flax made by caterpillars. We also went on a treasure hunt to find leaves to match those pictures on our cards. What great observers you all were. Some kai, a run around the paddock and lots to drink kept us going all morning. Spotting a kererū was awesome and checking out the baby bird and eggs in the nest was pretty amazing!
